
The armature of the synchroscope carries two windings at right
angles to each other and is capable of rotation between field poles F F1
R is a non inductive resistance and XL is a highly inductive
resistance both connected to one phase of the bus bars. This produces a field
which rotates relative to the armature at the bus bar frequency. When the
incoming machine is connected to the coils of the field poles a pulsating field
is produced at the same frequency as the incoming machine.
If the two fields are not at the same frequency then the armature
will rotate at a speed equal to the difference

In the modern rotary synchroscope there are no slip rings. The
rotor has two soft iron pole pieces and with its shaft carrying the pointer it
is magnetised by coil R from the bus bars. With this coil is fixed adjacent to
the shaft, therefore, there are no moving coils, contacts or control springs.
Single phase synchronising with lamps Lamps Dark

Lamps bright

If using single phase synchronising it is considered better to use
the lamp bright method as it is easier to judge the middle of the bright
sequence rather than the middle of the dark sequence
phase synchronising
Synchroscope with two lamps (lamps dark)

The secondary windings of transformer T1 supplies field coil F of
the synchroscope. The secondary windings of T2 supplies the rotating coils R of
the synchroscope.
If the incoming machine is in antiphase with the bus bar the voltage difference between the output of the secondary of T1 and T2 is double the normal voltage giving normal volt drop across each lamp. When in phase there is no voltage difference between the outputs of T1 and T2 and therefore lamps are dark when synchronised.
If the incoming machine is in antiphase with the bus bar the voltage difference between the output of the secondary of T1 and T2 is double the normal voltage giving normal volt drop across each lamp. When in phase there is no voltage difference between the outputs of T1 and T2 and therefore lamps are dark when synchronised.
Synchroscope with two lamps (Lamps bright)

Three phase synchronising with lamps (Lamps

No1 Vector is
stationary, if the incoming machine is running two slow then the No2 vector
moves away from No1 vector in an anti clockwise direction. In the position
shown as the No2 vector moves progressively anti clockwise then 'a' will
brighten, 'b' will brighten shortly reaching maximum luminosity then darken,
'c' will darken .
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